John is a devoted husband. However, the unknown male caller on his wife's voicemail ignites a...
"Your life as a Christian should make non-believers question their disbelief in God." These words...
In the early 1900s, a young missionary named William Cameron Townsend ventured into the jungles...
I am a busy pastor. While I maintain a solid social media presence, I confess that I do not have...
One way I know the Word of God is working in my heart is when a perplexing question confronts me...
While doing some research recently, I did a quick internet search on fear and anxiety in the...
I have found that many leadership principles overlap with Christian principles. Sometimes, when I...
Each year at Easter, the church I pastor presents a special program called "Journey to the...
“The value of something does not depend on how much it is worth. It depends on how much...
The lady planted a garden in her backyard, which started it all. It was a small plot with a few...
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