I am a busy pastor. While I maintain a solid social media presence, I confess that I do not have the time that many people seem to have to endlessly scroll and click through various platforms and posts. But I am aware that in today's digital age, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for communication. There is a unique opportunity for Christians to spread the Christian faith and message to a global audience.
The statistics are staggering. Four out of five people with Internet access use some form of social media. Studies show that users spend far more time on social media than on any other purpose on the Internet. Many of those users spend hours on social networking sites every day! When we consider that the social media audience now incorporates billions of people, Christians clearly have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with others and share their faith.
But if you have shared your faith on a social media platform, have you ever wondered how effective your post is? A recent study by Bowman, Osueke, and Baires studied the reports of a group of 79 college students and staff on a Christian college campus to discover just how effective a social media post can be at influencing the beliefs and behaviors of other people (1). The study revealed that the most effective way to change viewers’ beliefs and behaviors is by sharing personal stories of how God has impacted one’s life. Interestingly, posts that requested likes, retweets, or used chain messages (e.g., “send this to ten people”) were reported as the most offensive posting methods and caused people to resist the message.
I would like to offer advice on how you can be more effective when sharing your faith on social media platforms. Since the most effective method of posting was sharing personal stories of how God has impacted one's life, you must become aware of how God is working in your life. Perhaps you feel that God is not doing much for you or that your life is too ordinary to be interesting. But that is simply not true.
The scripture indicates that God is actively at work in your life. Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God's mighty power is at work within us and can accomplish far more than we could ever imagine. Similarly, Philippians 2:13 emphasizes that God is actively working in us, giving us the desire and ability to do what pleases Him. These verses do not suggest that God merely can work in your life but that he is at work in your life. God is doing something in you and for you.
The issue is that we are often unaware of God's work in our little world. So, how do we become more aware of what he is doing in and around us? One effective way is to keep a journal to track answered prayers and experiences. Sometimes, we don't see it because we are not looking for it. However, taking the time to jot down notes of thoughts and experiences can help us identify divine activity in our lives.
We can also interview others about their experiences with God and listen attentively to their stories. In fact, I have often found that I gain new insights and perspectives of God's work in my life when I listen to how he is working in someone else's life.
Frankly, we often miss God's supernatural work in our lives because we are looking for something sensational. Instead of seeking out dramatic signs or miracles, look for ways ordinary moments demonstrate extraordinary results, as God does in our everyday activities.
Then, find creative ways to share your stories and personal experiences of God's work. For example, create a video where you narrate your story or relate the story of someone you have interviewed who demonstrates God's work through some ordinary events. Use the adage often given as advice to writers: show it, don't just tell it.
And don't just haphazardly share the story. Try writing a script or an outline. Becoming more intentional about what you're going to say helps to slow you down so that you do not make impulsive, emotional statements that might distract from your message. Hone your narrative so that it is about three to five minutes in length. Take some time to make it as impactful as you can. At the same time, avoid exaggerating the details. God does not need us to make him look good. He only wants us to proclaim that he is good.
Use your voice and language. While you may not be exceptionally gifted in speaking or video creation, never underestimate how God can use your voice and your story to reach the heart of someone who sees your post. After all, if God uses someone who is not a gifted speaker or video creator to make an impact for his Kingdom, that makes God’s glory even greater.
Feel free to add other pictures, videos, and music to support your story. There are tons of free options online and inexpensive apps that can help you add these elements and edit a video so that it has a higher impact.
Social media offers Christians a powerful platform to share their faith. And if we approach this prayerfully, effectively, and creatively, we can fulfill our calling to be salt and light in the digital world one post at a time.
(1) Glen Alan Bowman, Blessing Osueke and Samantha Baires “Effects of Christian Faith Sharing Through Social Media: Examining Belief System Changes, Behavioral Changes, and User Preferences”. American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 7, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-8.
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