August 2021 Newsletter

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2021

In August, we’ll begin a new series on sanctification from Colossians 3. Sanctification is a word that I heard a lot about growing up but only came to appreciate as I got older. Different people view sanctification differently. Biblically speaking, there are two uses. The first is positional sanctification, which is similar to justification. We are set aside in Christ as holy. The Bible also refers to sanctification as a practical experience of our separation from the world to God. “Progressive” or “experiential” sanctification, as it is sometimes called, is the effect of obedience to the Word of God in one’s life. 

Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at the second use of sanctification—the practice of obedience in the life of a believer. Colossians 3 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. I find myself referring to it often as a reminder of things I need to be aware of in my life. As we go through this series, there are some essential things I want you to remember.

God Wants Us Set Apart

The basic definition of sanctification means to set apart. Sanctification is related to the word saint. Both words speak to holiness. The word that comes to my mind is consecration. God desires me to commit my life to Him, which means that some things cannot be a part of that life. I recently heard a pastor say, “Christians cannot live a boundaryless life.” There are boundaries for believers who are living a sanctified life. 

We Do Not Obey To Gain His Love. We Obey Because Of His Love

Obedience will not make God love you any more than He already does. Obedience is our response to the love of God. I want to live a life that pleases Him because He loves me unconditionally. 

Get Started

You may read Colossians 3 or listen to the sermons being preached and feel overwhelmed by things in your life. When a situation is overwhelming, it can cause us to freeze and do nothing. I mentioned the word progressive in the opening paragraph. I am being sanctified daily. Just because I cannot address everything should not stop me from addressing something. Start where you can and move from there. 

The life we live should reflect the God we serve. That is what we will be seeking over the next few weeks as we talk about the process of sanctification. 


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