Sunday, we looked at 2 Samuel 9, where David shows kindness to Jonathon’s son, Mephibosheth. I love this story and some of the symbolism that goes with it. Don’t you wish Mephibosheth was a more popular name in our culture?
This story takes place 10-12 years into David’s reign as king. He remembers his covenant with Jonathon and wants to honor it. Here are five things I have been thinking about related to this passage.
We Mean Well When We Make Promises
David said his love for Jonathon was greater than his love for women. He deeply cared for Jonathon and made a covenant with him to care for his family. But it was 10-12 years after Jonathon died before he asked about any of his family. I have to believe David meant well when he made that promise, but he became busy winning battles and building his kingdom. We are guilty of the same thing. We mean well when we make promises, but life takes over, and we soon forget.
The Cost Of Not Honoring Your Promises Goes Up
If you choose to miss coach-pitch baseball practice to play with a friend, the cost is relatively low. But as we get older, the cost of not keeping our promises gets more costly. It can affect things like our finances, careers, and marriages. If we do not learn the value of keeping our word early, we will pay a high price later.
Trauma Affects How you View Yourself and How You Believe Others View You
Mephibosheth was terrified in the presence of David. David even told him not to be afraid. Mephibosheth’s response was, “why do you care about a dead dog like me?”. Mephibosheth had a low view of himself, and he assumed David did as well. The trauma of being dropped, becoming crippled, his father dying, and remaining in Lo-debar had taken a toll on him. One of the greatest gifts we can offer someone struggling is the assurance that we will not harm them further.
Go The Second Mile
David could have gotten by sending money or a servant to tend to Mephibosheth. He could have offered to support him for the rest of his life. Instead, David gave him everything that Saul once owned. He didn’t have to go this far. He chose to go this far. Very few people are walking with you the first mile. Almost no one walks the second mile. If you want to set yourself apart, go the second mile every time. You will definitely stand out.
Everyone Is The Same At The Table Of The King
The writer intentionally reminds you that this young man is crippled on both feet. Before he tells you his name, he tells you his problem. Unfortunately, we know more about people’s issues than we know about who they are. But several times, he also tells us that Mephibosheth ate at the king's table. Once he was seated at the king’s table, he looked just like everyone else. He was served the same thing that everyone else was served. That is the beauty of being at the table of the King. You and I are all crippled in some way. The King invites us to His table. When we arrive, we are treated just like everyone else. The King does not discriminate against us because of our failures or trauma. We receive like everyone else.
I am thankful I can have a seat at the Table of the King. The broken are welcome to His table.
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